Friday, September 07, 2007

~ Farewell Lunch - Maggie ~

Today is Maggie's last day (after 5.5 years) with MSD. Although I do not work closely with her, she has been one of our usual lunch mate. My impression of her has always been a pretty, soft spoken, decisive, nice lady. We treat her to a farewell lunch at Teochew Garden (Concourse). I feel kinda sad.. especially after hearing her farewell speech.. Well, the good and happy thing is she is moving on to a position which offer better prospect and opportunities. Good Luck and All the Best!


I always ask myself.. do I love the job I am doing now? What kind of work suits me most? I know my skill set is losing out compared to the current job market.. yet I dream to have a job which fufil the following requirements.

1. Passion

2. Happiness

3. Sense of Achievement

4. Enough money to substain the family expenses + savings

5. Time - able to balance work and family life (most importantly - my kids)

6. Security - Work till retirement

Right now, I do not have a definite direction.. Hubby, colleagues and friends asked if I am looking out for a job.. Geez.. I don't know.. my current job fufils most of my wants.. but there is no job security.. :(

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