Wednesday, October 07, 2009

~ Car Accident *again ~

The year started with a car accident by a lorry and 8 months later, towards the end of the year our car went through another car accident. The only difference is Hubby is not the driver. This time lbil drove and the car was hit by a lorry. According to him, seems like there was minor damages with scratches on the mirror side and maybe the side of the car. (I'm not sure). The good thing is no one was injured.

Come to think of it, I have a very tough year so far.. everytime Hubby go on an overseas trip, I can't help worry and think.. "Ok.. what is it going to be this time?" Am I down on my luck or what?
I can only hope that with the start of the car accident at the beginning of the year marking the start of our bad luck, hopefully it will end with this car accident to mark the end of the unhappiness so far.

Most importantly, I wish that everyone be safe and sound.

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