Friday, March 12, 2010

~ Handicraft - Tissue Box Fish Tank ~

Denver's cousins, Jasper & Royston came over earlier to play games on the PS3. So the boys are pretty much occupied and having fun, leaving our little girl bored. She does not want to play with her stickers, do her puzzles or draw. So I sat down with Gladys and started making a little fish tank using our empty tissue box.

It's pretty simple and easy to make one and you can use your creativity to personalize your fish tank to how you want it to look like. I cut along the side of the tissue box so that box can open and close. This also makes it easier to colour and decorate the interior of the box later. Then I cut a big rectangular hole at the front for viewing the fishes. :)
Next is drawing the fishes, crab, leaves and rocks. In fact, you can draw anything you like. Instead of a fish tank, this can also be a house with people and furnitures inside or even a Zoo with animals in the cages. ^_^ Maybe we can try that next time.
I drew and Gladys helped to colour. I colour the interior of the tissue box blue to give the water scene effect and orange at the base for the sand. Then, it's cutting them out and putting them in place. :)

Create a more lively effect by sticking a string on the fishes to the top of the box so that they can move. TaTa! There you have it! Our very own personalized fish tank made from a Tissue box. :)

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