Saturday, June 05, 2010

~ We are back from 'Swa Tao'! ~

It's nice to be back home... just touched down to Singapore about 5 hours ago.

We have seen and experienced a lot in Shantou. It's culture, food, traffic and most important of all, fulfilling a wish. My fil's father came from Shantou to Singapore and started his family here. He always wanted to return to his hometown to visit but never got to do so and passed away... Hence, my fil (being the eldest) holding on his father's unfulfilled wish finally managed to return to his hometown with the company of his sons, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren. It was a tough and rough journey but we finally completed it. :)

There are a lot of unpacking and washing to do and I just finished most of it. It has been rainy in Shantou and I got caught in the rain. Started to feel the strain since yesterday and developed a sorethroat and cough. Hopefully I can recover before Monday.

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