Tuesday, April 22, 2008

~ Misc Thoughts ~

Well.. nothing big/important stuff happening lately so has not been blogging... Just a couple of updates..The result of the Colour Scheme Survey has released on the notice board. 49% has voted for Proposal A (It is the colour scheme near to what we currently have - Ivory & Red) Yeah!! We have voted for that too :) The other 2 schemes are too Orange... there are already so many orange blocks in the neighbourhood.. this will definately marks a difference with the rest.

Gladys and Denver were sick lately.. - coughing. I brought them to see a doctor some time back and the assistant which we know made a comment that Gladys looks really fierce when she is not smiling and staring at you. Lol :p Well.. she is not the first to mention it. Andrea said the same thing when I show her Gladys' photos.. a couple of people also make the same comments too..

Tried to take a picture of her last Sunday to prove my point.. She is not responsive to camera and always avoiding it.. walking around and giving me that grumpy, sad look. hehehe.. Her brother is more smily and always pose whenever I have my camera with me.

Dear Gladys, you should smile more.. Will definitely look so much prettier :)

I have been enjoying my past three weeks... Why??? Because there hasn't been any night teleconference on my Wednesday night.. but today I just received an update of a series of planned meetings till June. There will be one tomorrow night at 1030pm.. Gosh.. I have a KTV session.. I may join in while on my way home.

Sookiat's last day with MSD is tomorrow..sighz.. losing another friend :( Within 6 months, I have seen 3 close friend leaving ever since we moved our office to Tuas... Cat, Janet and SooKiat... For the past 2 weeks, I have been involved with making his farewell card. Tomorrow, we are going to have farewell lunches and dinner.. will put up more photos then...

Wasn't feeling too happy with Hubby today.. I told him that I will be having a farewell dinner cum KTV session tomorrow sometime back.. Hoping that he will be initiative enough to look after the children.. As usual, he planned for his own activities again. :( I knew this will happen... Everytime when I have dinner dates (E.g Wedding/Company dinner etc).. he will leave the kids at my inlaws place and have dinner outside. However, if he is the one having functions or needing to work late, I will come back home early and find ways to either take the children back home or stay at my inlaws' place till he come and fetch us.

Many times, I also have the temptation to follow suit and just plan my own outings as well.. but I can't put my heart down to do it. Why? Denver is getting naughty and Gladys is so active.. Looking after Gladys alone is a very tiring chore.. she just can't stay put at one place doing a certain thing for long. To my best effort, I tried to avoid my inlaws looking after them after I knock off from work. They are getting on age and need a good rest too.. Moreover, my SIL did mention to me recently that their health has not been good and Denver is always making them angry. Gladys has also been tiring them out... So, I really hope Hubby can take this opportunity to try looking after them while I am away and not depending on his parents. Things have not been like the past where there are not so many complications from the family. Sooner or later we have to depend on ourselves.

For the past few outings I have never go out with a peace of mind.. I always have to keep track of my phone for any updates... and the time like Cinderella. The only difference is instead of waiting for the clock to strike 12.. I have to make sure I leave by 10pm or even earlier.. Cos I would not know if Hubby or my inlaw is unhappy or if the children is being noisy and cranky. Everytime, I rush back home and only get a sigh of relief when I reached my destination. So, I really feel sad and mad whenever Hubby goes out when I have functions. Maybe it's jealousy.. I don't really know. I guess he don't see or feel the concerns that I have. Sometimes, I even tell myself that I can't afford to fall sick... Sighz.

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